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June Area

Survey Materials
Enumerator Training Videos & Quizzes
Please watch the videos and take the quizzes.
New Enumerator Video
1. Introduction (3:00)
2. June Area Purpose (14:00)
3. Maps & Photos (9:00)
4. Screening Form (24:00)
5. Facepage, Sections A & C
(Operation Description & Sections to be Completed) (7:00)
6. Section D
(Crops & Land Use on Tract) (16:00)
7. Sections E & F (Total Acres Operated & Land Use, & Storage) (11:00)
8. Section G (Hogs) (8:00)
9. Section H (Cattle) (8:00)
10. Sections I-K
(Sheep, Goats, Equine) (4:00)
11. Sections L-N (Labor, Land Values, Economic Data) (15:00)
12. Section O (Technology) (7:00)
Included in Odd Years Only
13. Section P & Conclusion (Operator Characteristics) (5:00)
14. CAPI Demo - Ag Tract (30:00)
15. June Area Enumerator Testimonials (22:00)
Practice Exercises
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